Det fungerar som insynsskydd, säkerhetsglas, avskärmning
och solskydd för kontorsmiljöer, sjukhusmiljöer, bankverksamhet eller för ditt smarta hem.
Smart glas kan växlas mellan genomskinligt och frostat läge i olika färger.

Photochromic solar film reacts to UV-radiation and tints from clear to dark the brighter it is outside

Finally, we can offer the market another fantastic product!
Photochromic Solar Film is easy to install by wet application. These dynamic films change their tint when exposed to sunlight. A dream for the sun-drenched office or home as it reduces the room temperature as well at the light being transmitted.
Quite simply a fantastic solar film driven by nature.

PRIVACY GLASS OFFICE gives your office environment the option of switching your glass between transparent and opaque mode and also offers different design options such as different colors and text- and logotypes printed on your smart glass.

SHADYGLASS is the glass that acts as a sunshade on your facade in a sunny position.
Now we can finally present a product that works as both sunshade and Smart Glass! A must have for the warm roof apartment or sun-drenched office!"

STORYGLASS transforms your glass into an area to show advertising, film or images with the help of a projector!
STORYGLASS can create upsell as well as entertainment opportunities for staff.

PRIVACYGLASS HOME is a development of the smart home. You can use the privacy in so many ways!
To delimitate different parts of your home, as extra security in your door or maybe just to stop that staring neighbor!"

INTEGRITYGLASS is the glass that screens off visibility, for example in the healthcare sector, where patients feel very "naked", or why not have a mobile glass wall that turns from transparent to opaque with the click of a button?